TITLE OF PAPER | „Our Family“ – Populist demarcations in Hungary |
AUTHORS NAME | Katinka Czigány |
AFFILIATION | Gender Studies |
UNIVERSITY / INSTITUTE | University of Vienna |
cz.katinka@gmail.com | |
A year after the populist turn in Hungary in 2010, a heteronormative definition of family became part of the Hungarian constitution. This paper researches the speeches of Viktor Orbán from 2011, specifically the linguistic construction and the valuation of the symbol „family“. I used the method of critical discourse analysis to identify the inner logic of populism by exploring the construction of production vs. reproduction in the Hungarian populist discourse. As the gender aspects of the Hungarian populist logic has only been vaguely researched – and rarely from a feminist perspective – the current paper has a special importance. |
Katinka Czigány studies on the faculty of Gender Studies in the University of Vienna. Her current paper deals with the politics of her home country, Hungary. Her research interest are first of all Hungarian politics, feminist activities and possible ways of emancipation and resistance. |
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KEYWORDS | Populism, Hungary, Family, Gender equality, Populist Logic, Intersectionality |
STREAM | 6. Production and Negotiation of Borders in Gender Research |
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