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TITLE OF PAPER Feminist perspectives to the economy within transforming Nordic welfare states
AUTHORS NAME Hanna Ylöstalo
AFFILIATION University Researcher, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
UNIVERSITY / INSTITUTE University of Helsinki
MAIL hanna.ylostalo@helsinki.fi


Dr, Docent Hanna Ylöstalo works as a University Researcher at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies. Her ongoing project, titled Missing “Plan F” – A battle between knowledge, economy and equality in the changing welfare state (2017-2020) is concerned with the changing conditions of gender equality policy in Finland. She is particularly interested in neoliberalization of the Nordic welfare state, the gendered economy-society relations and the role of knowledge in policy-making. Ylöstalo obtained her PhD (Gender Studies) at the University of Tampere. Ylöstalo’s research is concerned with gender equality policy, gender equality and diversity in work organizations, gender and economy, and post-Fordist labour. In addition to her academic work, Ylöstalo has developed processes and practices of gender budgeting for the Finnish state administration. She takes actively part in societal discussions about gender equality and the economy.


Anna Elomäki, Faculty of Social Sciences (SOC), University of Tampere, Finland

Paula Koskinen Sandberg, Faculty of Social Sciences (SOC), University of Tampere, Finland

Miikaeli Kylä-Laaso, Faculty of Social Sciences (SOC), University of Tampere, Finland

Hanna Ylöstalo, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki, Finland

KEYWORDS economy; policy; labour market; neoliberalism
STREAM 8. Other – Proposal for a new panel

I have also submitted the panel proposal via e-mail.

Webpage https://hannaylostalo.wordpress.com/
Twitter @ylostalohanna