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TITLE OF PAPER Comparison of Men’s and Women’s Attitude Towards Liberal Feminism in Russia and in Western Countries
AUTHORS NAME Aisha Badirova
AFFILIATION Moscow State Institute of International Relations
MAIL astudentmoscow@gmail.com

Feminism refers to any ideology that seeks equality in rights for women, usually through improving their status. Feminism is rooted in ending men’s power over women. There is no exact attitude towards feminism among the Russian women. However, some women were extremely critical speaking about this movement. There are some reasons why:
Firstly, throughout their upbringing they were taught the saying «The man is the head, but the woman is the neck». Both of these statements mean that women’s interests should be connected with house chores.
Secondly, there is an influence of the Church that claims that the family is a must for every woman. So that her choice should be the family not her career.
As for the Russian men, they stand against feminism or do not take it seriously. According to the statistics of «Levada-Centre» – 78 percent of both men and women believe a woman’s place is in the home. It is worth noting here, however, that in a traditional Russian household, it is the woman who makes all decisions regarding finances and domestic issues. Moreover, it is thought that there are some non-traditional jobs for women like politicians, electricians or taxicab drivers.
In Europe the attitude towards feminism differs a lot. Women in Western countries see feminism as the protector from patriarchal principles. Furthermore, majority women from Europe and the US put their career on the first place. That is why they usually marry at the age of 30 and elder.
We base our comparative research on social and mass media monitoring, statistical and analytics review materials, sociological surveys in Russia and European countries.


Aisha Badirova
18 years old
I study in MGIMO University
My interests are: political science, social and gender inequality



KEYWORDS Feminism, Women, Rights, Russia, Western countries, Equality
STREAM 7. Exceeding the Actual: Visions and Spaces for Change
Webpage https://vk.com/aishastudent