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TITLE OF PAPER ”Invisibility and Discrimination: Skilled migrant women in the Finnish labour market”.
AUTHORS NAME Heidi Lehtovaara
AFFILIATION Gender Studies
UNIVERSITY / INSTITUTE University of Helsinki, Faculty of Arts, Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies
MAIL heidi.lehtovaara@gmail.com

My thesis analyzes expectations and experiences of skilled migrant women in the Finnish labour market. The main data consists of 12 interviews with migrant women.My method for analyzing the data is conten t analysis, and my point of view is intersectional.


Heidi Lehtovaara (M.A.) is studying her second degree through the Master’s Program at the University of Helsinki, focusing on Gender Studies and Management. The topic of her thesis is: ”Invisibility and Discrimination: Skilled migrant women in the Finnish labour market”. She has been working several years with immigrant women at the 3rd sector, and volunteering in several NGO´s, and currently she is working as a Service Supervisor at the City Executive Office of Helsinki, Immigration and Employment Affairs.


No co-author

KEYWORDS gender studies, job seeking, migration, discrimination, intersectionality
STREAM 8. Other – Proposal for a new panel
Webpage LinkedIn: Heidi Lehtovaara
Twitter @heidilehtovaara