TITLE OF PAPER | Developing a crowdsourced Digital Queer Archive: challenging knowledge hegemonies and hierarchies of normative archival practices. |
AUTHORS NAME | Renee Dixson |
AFFILIATION | PhD candidate |
UNIVERSITY / INSTITUTE | The Australian National University |
Renee.Dixson@anu.edu.au | |
It is almost impossible to disentangle the impact of colonisation from both queer bodies and archival practices. Achille Mbembe says there is no such an archive as “secular”. An archive is primarily the product of judgment, the result of the exercise of a specific power and authority. The archive is fundamentally a matter of discrimination and selection, the results in the granting of privileging status to certain documents, and the refusal of the same status to others. Archive as a system of discursivity, as developed by Michelle Foucault (1972) which is inextricably connected with power and knowledge, it becomes obvious how it is in the interests of power to present a particular view on the history and what is considered as “fulfilling the criteria of archivability”. |
Renee Dixson is a PhD candidate at the Australian National University. She works within the Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Research where she aims to develop a prototype of a crowdsourced digital queer archive designed to support collections and preservation of LGBTIQ history in Australia and Ukraine. |
Renee Dixson, Developing a crowdsourced Digital Queer Archive: challenging knowledge hegemonies and hierarchies of normative archival practices, PhD candidate, Renee.Dixson@anu.edu.au |
KEYWORDS | Queer theory, LGBTIQ, Archives, decolonising methodologies, Achille Mbembe, Power |
STREAM | 4. Along and across Borders: Proper Objects and Intersectionalities |
Webpage | reneedixson.com.au |
https://twitter.com/Renee_Dixson | |
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