TITLE OF PAPER | “I am not like those people and people from here. I am in between. I am everything”: on the construction of narratives about queer refugee women and biopolitical governance |
AUTHORS NAME | Tina Dixson |
AFFILIATION | PhD candidate |
UNIVERSITY / INSTITUTE | Australian National University |
tina.n.dixson@gmail.com | |
In an attempt to elicit public compassion, often refugee advocates construct and promote assimilationists narratives that refugees are people just like us. While well-meaning in their intention, such a narrative follows a colonial trope of a supreme (white) nation who is saving the poor and vulnerable. This creates a single narrative of who can be a refugee both in terms of identities and circumstance as well as a degree of one’s trauma and availability of one’s testimony. This limiting nature of existing narratives about refugees inevitably impacts narratives about queer refugees. Similarly to an overall narrative, cisgender male experiences are implicitly privileged in accounts of queer asylum. It is rare if not uncommon to hear cisgender female or transgender accounts. |
Tina Dixson is a PhD candidate at the Australian National University. Her thesis is an autoethnographic narrative inquery that is looking into lived experiences of queer refugee women. |
Tina Dixson, PhD candidate, Australian National University, tina.dixson@anu.edu.au |
KEYWORDS | queer refugee women, biopolitics, trauma, colonialism, belonging |
STREAM | 2. Migration: Sexual and Gendered Displacements |
Webpage | http://tinadixson.com.au |
@TNDixson | |
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