The paper studies how the views of Russian society changed after the spread of
feminism in the country and how the transformation of gender roles influenced on
it. The topic is relevant because the attitude to feminism is still uncertain. Despite
the fact, the modern society is considered as fully equal, many global problems are
related to gender inequality. Originally, feminism developed in the West, where
women fought for their rights. In Russia, this movement spread in the XIX century.
At various stages of the country development, the attitude, goals and character of
feminism have changed, and gender roles have shifted. Many social organizations
have researched on these issues: surveys and experiments were done, scientific and
journalistic articles were published. The transformation of gender roles in Russia
has been taking place over the last 20 years. This has greatly affected on family
relations, on which the demographic situation and other spheres of Russia depend.
What developments are changing views on gender inequality related to? After all,
for many years women have believed that it is the only way to fight for their
political and socio-economic rights since the appearance of feminism. However, it
has got some positive results. Gradually, with the changing position of women in
society, feminism has changed. The world is moving forward, women have
achieved equal rights and great opportunities. But in Russia there are still separate
groups of the movement. What are they fighting for in the modern Russian
Our paper is based on statistic and analytics materials and social surveys.
I’m Shakhtarina Nadezhda Anatolievna (29.03.2000); 2st year student, Faculty of Politics and Governance. My research interests are social and political inequality, social policy management, etc. I participated in different scientific conferences and forums.