TITLE OF PAPER | PANEL: The borders of masculinity? Assemblages of medicalized masculinities |
AUTHORS NAME | Michael Nebeling Petersen |
AFFILIATION | Associate Professor |
UNIVERSITY / INSTITUTE | University of Southern Denmark |
nebeling@sdu.dk | |
This is a panel proposal |
Michael Nebeling Petersen (PhD) is an Associate Professor at University of Southern Denmark in the Department for the Study of Culture. He has worked extensively with gay culture and citizenship, new technologies of reproduction and kinship, and digital media and mediated cultures of intimacy. His research centres questions on culture, power, and identity, and he is interested in the intersections between gender, sexuality, kinship, race, and nation. He is currently working in two interdisciplinary research projects: 1) Media Assemblages of Medicalized Masculinity in which he works on medical and cosmetic interventions in the male body within different sites of subcultural and marginalized forms of masculinity; and 2) Ice Age: Entangled Lives, Times, and Ethics in Fertility Preservation in which he works ethnographically with cultural anxieties and changing meanings of cryopreserved embryos. Karen Hvidtfeldt Madsen (PhD) is an Associate Professor at theUniversity of Southern Denmark in the Department for the Study of Culture. She heads the research project Medicine Man: Media Assemblages of Medicalized Masculinity funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark from 2018-2021 and is a participant in the research project: Young Danish cancer patients use and experience of social media (Aarhus University 2018-2019). Her research lies in the border area between critical cultural studies, gender studies and health sciences, and examines how cultural analytical methods may be applied to issues related to health, disease, reproduction, sexuality, gender and the body. Her research includes independent and collaborative studies on transnational surrogacy, motherhood, family, and cultural aging. Camilla Bruun Eriksen (PhD) is an Assistant Professor at the University of Southern Denmark in the Department for the Study of Culture. As part of the research project Medicine Man(2018-2021) focusing on somatechnics, medicalization and masculinity her research pays special attention to bodies, narrativity, biopolitics, and popular culture. Using critical disability, feminist and affect theory Camilla is concerned with how bodies take shape and has written on the intersections of fatness, body norms, power, gender and sexuality. Kristian Møller (PhD) is a postdoc at the IT University of Copenhagen. His research centers on the mediatization and medicalization of queer life, drawing from critical theory to conceptualise the ways digital media transform gay men’s social and sexual lives. Currently work on medicalized and mediatized MSM sexuality is embedded in the research project Medicine Man. Further, Kristian is dedicated to the methodological and ethical advancement of critical communication studies, and recent works develops a media go-along method, and boundary work as an approach to practice based ethics. Sheila L. Cavanagh (PhD) is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Department of Sociology, York University, Toronto. Cavanagh is a co-editor of the Somatechnics Journal at Edinburgh University Press. She coordinated the Sexuality Studies Program at York University and chaired the Canadian Sexuality Studies Association. Her scholarship lies in gender and sexuality studies with a focus on queer theory, feminist psychoanalytic theory and LGBTQ performance ethnography. Her performed ethnography titled Queer Bathroom Monologues (QBM) premiered at the Toronto Fringe Festival (2011) and was given the Audience Pick Award. She has published in a wide range of international journals and given keynotes addresses at conferences in Sweden, Turkey and Canada. Cavanagh teaches an undergraduate course titled Sociology of Gender and a range of graduate courses in sexuality studies, feminist theory and queer theory. |
Chair: Michael Nebeling Petersen, Associate prof., University of Southern Denmark. nebeling@sdu.dk Panelists: Michael Nebeling Petersen (PhD), Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark. nebeling@sdu.dk |
KEYWORDS | Masculinity, medicalization, sexuality, health, somatechnics, |
STREAM | 4. Along and across Borders: Proper Objects and Intersectionalities, 8. Other – Proposal for a new panel |
Webpage | |
https://www.facebook.com/Medicine-Man-media-assemblages-of-medicalized-masculinity-395171077649784/ |
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