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TITLE OF PAPER Palestinian Women Reproductive Health Rights: Knowledge, Opportunities, Challenges and the Way Forward. A Qualitative Study in Bethlehem Area in the West Bank.
AFFILIATION Palestinian Family Planning and Protection Association
UNIVERSITY / INSTITUTE Institute of Global Health and Development / Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
MAIL yara.hadweh@gmail.com

Background: Reproductive health rights (RHR) were declared as fundamental human rights since the International Conference on Population and Development 1994 and the Beijing 1995 conferences. Acknowledgement of the importance of these rights was a momentous point for reproductive health. In the Palestinian context, RHR are severely affected by the combination of constraints of the political system and the cultural context. RHR remain one of the least prioritized matters making them extremely unmentionable. The aim of the research is because of growing attention, interests and efforts to strengthen women and promote their reproductive health rights in Palestine.

Methods: This research was designed in two parts; drawing on reviews of previous literature and an empirical qualitative study using semi-structured interviews which were carried out via Skype. A sample of ten Palestinian women, aging between 18-55 years, and living in the Bethlehem Area in the West Bank was selected by purposive sampling. These interviews formed the basis of the analysis. Ethical approval was obtained from Queen Margaret University Ethics Committee. Informed consents were signed by participants. This research employed the Theory of Intersectionality to guide the various discussions and debates.

Results: Findings of interviews were considered under several themes and sub-themes: knowledge, information and education: levels and access to information and knowledge; services and resources: accessibility and distribution of services; Palestinian context and norms: patriarchal society and loss of privacy and decision making; conflict and occupation: restriction on movement and discrimination and humiliation; and violence against women. These themes shaped women’s knowledge of reproductive health rights, highlighting factors that influence the existing opportunities and challenges for women to access to reproductive health rights, health seeking behaviors, and overall well-being.

Interpretation: This research emphasizes the great importance of this topic. It is rare in its kind in the Palestinian context. Two significant limitations were the unavailability and scarcity of literature for the topic, and the sensitive nature of the political conflict. It is recommended that governments demonstrate commitment to prioritizing reproductive health rights initiatives. Further researches regarding reproductive health rights should be conducted in other areas of Palestine.


Yara Hadweh, 24 years old from Bethlehem, Palestine. Currently working as a project manager at the Palestinian Family Planning and Protection Association, and a guest Llcturer at Bethlehem University and Al-Quds University. A holder of a Master’s Degree of Sexual and Reproductive Health from Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, and a Bachelor’s Degree of Nursing from Bethlehem University, Bethlehem, Palestine. Participated at the Lancet Palestinian Health Alliance 9th Annual Conference at the American University of Beirut-Lebanon/ March 2018; won the best poster presentation of the second day, and at the Scottish Trade Union Congress Conference in Aviemore, United Kingdom as a speaker on behalf of Scottish Universities Supporting Palestinian Students (SUSPS)/ April 2017. Personal competencies are: Quick learner and analytical thinker with good interpersonal and organizational skills and have a high sense of responsibility, open to new experiences, and interested in culture and learning about others.


KEYWORDS Reproductive Health Rights, Reproductive Health; Women; Palestine.
STREAM 7. Exceeding the Actual: Visions and Spaces for Change

Participating at your respective conference would be an excellent opportunity for me as a woman on both personal and professional levels.

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