Sources on the constitution
English translation of the Current Constitution:
National Forum 2010
Almost 1000 participants randomly selected to discuss the main values and priorities of the Constitution at a one-day meeting convened on November 6, 2010. The meeting was held in anticipation of the election of the Constitutional Assembly later that month, and its results were to be utilized in its work.
Website of the National forum:
Constitutional Council 2011
Althingi (The Parliament) appointed the Constitutional Council in March 2011 after the Supreme court had invalidated the Constitutional Assembly elections due to technical flaws in conducting them. 25 members had been elected to the Assembly and they were all offered to be appointed. One declined and subsequently the person who had come in number 26 was appointed. The Constitutional Council drafted a bill for a new constitution with considerable public participation (individual citizens sent in proposals which were considered by the council and engaged in a discussion on the progress of its work. The bill was submitted to Parliament in early August 2011. The Constitutional Council drafted a bill for a new constitution, which was submitted to Parliament in early August 2011. Parliament never voted on the bill.
Constitutional Council Website:
English translation of Constitutional Council Bill :
National referendum 2012
A national referendum was held on a bill from the Constitutional Council and in addition asked about people’s views on some possible provisions in the new constitution.
Results of the referendum: 10/30 / Ad-of-results-referenda-20-October-2012 /
Electronic library
The Constitutional Council established an electronic library to support its constitutional work. A variety of materials are gathered there, covering both academic discussion and media debate on constitutional issues.
Database on the website of the Government Council: